Who is Lois Miller?
Lois Miller is a 16 year old high school senior.
She enjoys writing, spending time with friends, getting involved with and learning about politics, exploring creative endeavors, and cuddling with her favorite being ever -- Samuel, her bunny. Her hair color changes around 4 times a year because she cannot make a decision.
Lois is currently searching for a 4-year school where she will most likely pursue Business Administration and some kind of major that involves art (e.g., using the Adobe suite, designing things, writing, etc.) after completing her high school career with an Advanced Diploma (in only three years!).
She is also really struggling with creating this website in a way to make it an accurate representation of her and what she likes in the realms of design. She's confused and undecided.
Lois is actually kind of confused in everything. Especially as to why she wrote this in third person.